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Shell usability: What TCL is missing

I ran into TCL a few months ago, and spent the better part of a weekend playing and experimenting with it. I really enjoyed its flexibility, simplicity, and emphasis on command-line usability. I even went through a phase where I tried using it as my default shell in place of bash!

I very quickly ran into some problems, though, and it took me a while to figure out what was happening.

Here’s an example: say I’ve got an open file handle $fh, and I want to get an array of its lines. First I’ve got to read the file:

read $fh

this will return a string, which I’d like to split on newlines:

split [read $fh] "\n"

and this is my only chance to catch the return value of this command, so let’s store it in a variable:

set lines [split [read $fh] "\n"]

The problem here is that I imagined this code in the reverse of how I’ve written it. We start with the raw data on the right, and each subsequent action appears to the left. But I read and write code left-to-right. Especially in a readline-style interface, my cursor would have had to be jumping around constantly from left to right, surrounding expressions with square brackets and adding new commands to the left.

Now imagine if I could do something like this (read $_ as “it”, as in Perl):

read $fh | split $_ "\n" | set lines $_

Type that a couple of times. See how much more natural that is? You type it as you think it: “read the file, split it on newlines, store it in a variable.”

In the language I’m designing (more on that soon), I’ve optimized the flow to make it a bit easier on the keyboard. So far I’m thinking something like this:

# line breaks are optional, for readability
read .fh
  | split . \n
  | set lines .

What do you think? What other considerations are there in optimizing a language for interactive use?

– Jeanine

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